Thursday, June 5, 2014

Updated Family photo

The House

We are finally in our new home!!!!! Yay! We could not be more excited.  We are not only first time homebuilders but first time homeowners, crazy!  Yep, we probably are crazy.  But I can honestly say I have no regrets(yet...) and I am loving our home.  We made the decision to build because we were having a difficult time finding something we could both agree on.  I was dying to get out of the subdivision, but Jeff wanted to still be close to work.  So when we found this lot right next to the lake we could not pass it up!  It was a lot of work, and ALOT of decisions. . . who knew I could care so much about a light fixture.  I would do it again. . .but I'm hoping I don't have to and we can stay put here for awhile!
View from the front door

View from the side. . . we would love to trim some trees so we could see the lake a little better, but it is so beautiful.

Finished exterior. . . landscaping to come-hopefully this week!!

7 months

Jack is getting to be happier and funnier all the time!  He loves his brother, and is happy to be malled by him most of the time.  They are so cute together!  He is rolling both ways now and can pretty much get to where he wants to be. . .unless he gets stuck:)  He is loving solids, mostly avacodos and sweet potatoes are his favorites but he also likes bananas and applesauce.  He also likes to motorboat his little lips and spit it out all over me when he's done. . stinker!  This month the no sleeping has really caught up with me, so we are crying it out. . .not my first choice but I'm so exhausted.  We have only done it about 2 nights but already seems to be getting better.  Here's to hoping we can get this guy to sleep so I don't go officially crazy;)

Jack 6 months

I can't believe my little baby is 6 months. . . in some ways its been so fast and in others it seems like forever.  This month Jack started solids.  He is doing pretty good with them.  He is still working on sleeping better at night, but he naps like a champ!  He was such a good sport during the move. . .I couldn't have asked for better.  He has really mellowed out and it pretty much content during the day to watch Max play.  We sure love him!  And yay we made it 6 months with 2 kids and everyone is still alive:)

Can't get enough of these chubby thighs!

Lisa turns the BIG 30!!!

Happy Birthday to me!  I have enter the next phase of life. . . the 30s!  We had planned to go to Moab with our good friends for my birthday, but Jeff had a very bad back injury.  Poor guy could hardly move, it was really rough.  But we made the best of it.. . and I still got cupcakes!

Jack 5 Months

We are playing some catch-up here..... to be quite honest the last few months have been a blur.  Baby Jack is giving me a run for my money.  He loves to eat all the time, and wake up every 2-3 hours.....
But he is a sweetie!  He loves to smile and loves his mom and dad, and especially loves to watch his brother Max.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Max is 3 years old!!!!

I cannot believe my baby is 3!!  Max is such a joy to have in our home.  He has the sweetest, funniest little personality.  We are so lucky to have him!

 Over the last year he has changed so much.  He talks all the time!  He is quite the repeater and has super good hearing. . . so we have to be careful what we say.  He is very polite and uses 'please' and 'thank-you', I love it!!  He is getting to be very independent but will still like to be held and cuddled if he's tired.  He knows all of his colors and can count to 10. . . .I don't know how or when this happened. . . I credit it to the time he spent at Grandma and Grandpa Bryson's.  He is a great big brother and is always wanting to hold or hug baby Jack.
This year he really started snowboarding and we are so proud of him!  Jeff has a leash on him to help him steer but he's getting pretty confident in going down the hill.  He is pretty brave, but really works best when his mouth is full of skittles and he has root beer and fries waiting for him in the lodge:)  

Max helped decorate his own cake this year, he had a blast doing it!!! He helped wash the cars and trucks first and then stacked them on the cake. .. He was a little excited about his cake, can you tell?

Jeff built Max this awesome Monster Truck race track for his birthday.  It has been such a hit, if you know Max you know he obsessed with anything with wheels!  A few weeks after his birthday they went to the Monster Truck show, which was also a huge hit!

We sure love this birthday boy.  He made us parents and has taught us so much in these 3 years. . . who knew we could love little people so much!!  Happy Birthday Max Doyle!  We love you!

Jack 4 Months. . . .

Jack is four months!  I cannot believe how time has flown by. . .but in a good way.  The older he gets the happier this little guy seems to be.  He had a rough stretch, but I think it's safe to say we are past the worst.  He is now much more content and will sleep between 4-5 hour stretches at night, hooray!!  He loves to watch Max play and is getting pretty smiley.  He mostly likes to smile at mom and dad. . . he makes strangers work pretty hard for it.  He has found his voice and loves to call out to us if we leave him alone.  At this 4 month appointment he weighed 16 lbs 1 ounces.  I love the chub on his thighs and his cheeks are getting so round!

Isn't he just the cutest baby you've ever seen!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Max update

Max has grown up so much in the past few months.  I think it's the big brother business. . .Expect that he always comes us to me and says "I'm a baby, hold me."  He is still pretty cudddly and pretty cute.
He has started snowboarding quite a bit this year with Jeff.  He can go pretty much on his own with Jeff right beside him to make sure he doesn't have any bad falls.
He has such a cute fun personality!  He loves his cars and is super social.  We are so lucky to have him!

3 Months

Jack is 3 months!  We are finally getting a little better adjusted around here.  I'm getting a little better at going to the grocery store, a little better at not wearing pjs all day:)  And Jack is getting better at sleeping at night!  He still can be pretty fussy at times during the day. . . we are still trying to figure that out.  But overall he is getting a little happier all the time!

His brother really does love him!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Jack's Blessing Day

While we were home for Christmas we decided to do Jack's Blessing in the Bryson home.  It was so important to me to have as much family around for his special day as possible.  I feel so blessed to have strong, worthy Priesthood holders in my family to be able to give my baby boy a name and a blessing.

Jack Jeffrey Bryson
Blessing day Dec 28, 2013

Grandma Phylis and Grandpa Doyle

Grandma and Grandpa Bryson

What a special day for our family.  We missed Grandma and Grandpa Beesley so much!!!  

Christmas Day 2013

Christmas morning started around 8am.  It's great that Max had no idea what was about to happen so he slept until his regular time.  When we told him Santa had come, he said "Presents?!!"  He was pretty pleased to see that Santa had indeed delivered. . . He played all day with his new race track!

Santa was good to me too!

Jack was just happy having Grandma and Grandpa love on him!

Later we went to Kent and Melanie's to play with some cousin's in the snow.  Max had to show everyone his snowboard skills!  In the evening me and Max went to Aunt Lana's for some dessert and more fun with family.  It was such a great day!  We were so blessed to have such a great family to spend it with!

Christmas Eve 2013

This year we were able to spend Christmas in Rigby with Grandma and Grandpa Bryson.  It was such a great time to be able to be around family.  I was lucky to get to see alot of my family as well, but mom and dad were greatly missed!
Christmas Eve we had the Bryson Traditional Hebrew dinner.  We all dressed up (except baby Jack who was sleeping).  The menu included: Lamb, figs, dates, bread , and more. . .

Dinner was followed by of course opening some Christmas Jammies!!  Impossible to get a picture of them together, maybe next year.

By the end of the night we had two very tired little boys, so they were put to bed and then Santa's Elves got to work!

Jack 2 months

I can't believe its been 2 months! This little guy is growing so fast and is getting happier all the time.  This month's big accomplishments were SMILING(this is my favorite thing!), making eye contact, and sleeping at night better all the time. He has so far survived the over the top love he gets from his brother. We love him more and more and can't imagine what life was like before. . .