Thursday, September 15, 2011

6 Month Stats

So the results are in. . .
Weight: 18lbs 14oz 72 percentile
Height: 27 inches 58 percentile
Head 17.32 inches 54 percentile
Max is healthy and happy! All the things I could ever wish for!

Friday, September 9, 2011

6 Months

This handsome little guy is growing up so fast. He just gets cuter and cuter. I love that now he can sit up by himself. Occasionally he tips right over when the chub gets off balance but he usually does pretty good.

He has finally started to roll over! I was so excited for this milestone. So far he goes front to back but not back to front. Which is getting pretty frustrating for him, hopefully he will figure out the other way soon.

One of the funniest things that Max does is this fake cough. He started doing it a few months ago. It was somewhat of a warning for us that he was about to get really upset, but now he just does it whenever he wants our attention. I think it is pretty hilarious.

Max definitely has a favorite toy. This giraffe is by far his toy of choice, he mostly enjoys the feet and has figured out how to get 3 in his mouth at once, maybe by next month he'll get all 4:) When he doesn't have the giraffe in tow, he loves his jumper. He has just figured out how to really get jumping and now he never stops. It is so fun to watch him and it keeps him very entertained! He also really loves playing with his dad. Jeff can always get him giggling!

Max gets a lot of attention for his chubby thighs. I absolutely love them. They are so squishy and squeezable. I just had to get a good picture of them before he starts moving too much and they start to thin out.

These feet are also pretty classic. It was hard to get a good picture of them since he never holds still-but this does them justice pretty good.

As for the boys stats I'll keep you posted, he has his appointment in a few days. My guess is that he weighs about 18lbs. . .even though it feels like much, much more after carrying him around.

We love him so much and its so fun to see him grow!

August Awesomeness

August was such a busy and fun month! Me and Max made a trip to Idaho. We went for the Annual Beesley Girls Weekend. It was so fun, but we missed Melanie (next year attendance will be mandatory:)! It was filled with lots of sewing, eating, and shopping. All of my favorites!

From left to right we have: Becky, Sarah, Jessica, me and my Mom

It was also my Grandma Gerry's 80th birthday and my cousin Megan's baby shower. We were so happy we got to be there and fit so much fun into so few days. It's always fun to get these 3 babies together. Max is really catching up to these guys fast, he looks like such a chunk in this picture.

Max, Luke, and Ashlyn

Hopefully that was the last time I'll have to fly alone with the little guy. He has flown a lot in his short life, and was getting pretty good at it. But I was much to over confident in our skills and lets just say the flight home was not fun for anyone, United may ask us not to come back. Oh well, we survived and it was totally worth it!

On Labor Day I ran my first race since baby Max was born. It was a 10k at Boulder Reservoir. I was a little nervous about how I would really do since most of our training was on the treadmill, but I did it! It felt good to be somewhat back to my old self and I finished in 1:01-not amazing but I was pretty proud of myself for finishing!

Angela, me, and Amber

Summer is coming to a close, and I will so miss it! I love everything about it. Colorado summers really are the best. I can't say it enough, we have the best friends here! I think Denver will always be my favorite place to live!