Friday, June 15, 2012


A few weeks ago Jeff had a Dental Convention in San Diego, so we decided to make a vacation out of it . . .Max-free!!  It was awesome!  My awesome sister-in-law and sister took turns watching Max while we were gone.  He had so much fun with their little families.  And we had a pretty great time without him.  I can say I did miss him, but it was a great break.  And we definitely needed it, these last months have been exhausting!
Here is a little recap of our time in California.. .
First stop IN and OUT!  It was just as good as we had anticipated!

Then we stopped at the LA Temple.  It was HUGE!!  I was really blown away with how big it was, and it was so beautiful!

The next day we went to the happiest place on earth. . . .DISNEYLAND!!
The last few days we spent at a condo in Carlsbad.  It really was my favorite part of the the whole trip.  We just went to the beach, Jeff surfed I read.  And we played a lot of tennis, and of course did some shopping.  That's a perfect vacation to me!
But we sure did miss this little guy. . .