Monday, January 9, 2012

10 Months

10 months!! Max has changed so much this last month. He is always in motion, getting these pictures was a bit of a challenge. He's really into everything, which I'm sure will just get worse. Max is crawling everywhere and pull himself up onto everything. Honestly it all makes me a little nervous, especially the standing in the tub! He has had lots of falls and some bruises, but Jeff keeps telling me it will just make him tougher.

Max is so proud of himself that he can pull up and stand! He continues to wave at everyone, he even does a double wave if he's really excited. And he is just learning how to high 5. It's pretty cute.

I'm trying to introduce real foods, but it's really not going that well. He still chows on the baby food averaging about 5 jars and 2-3 servings of cereal a day. (I think he's trying to maintain his girlish figure:) He does love beans, Kix cereal, and will occasionally eat bread if I'm eating it-but never on his own.

He is such a happy and fun baby! It's so fun to take him anywhere, he loves to be out and about and people love him. We are so blessed to have him in our family!


  1. He's so cute!!! I relate to the standing in the tub. Greta fell out the other night. Luckily Conor somehow caught her before she landed face first on the floor.
