Thursday, October 6, 2011


September was such a great month. Max is getting to have more and more personality all the time and it's so much fun! Here are a few pictures of what we've been up to this month.

These are some pre-church pictures. Aren't Jeff and Max so cute just looking at each other? Max loves Jeff and is so interested in whatever his dad is doing.
Mid-September we were lucky enough to go to Breckenridge with some our great friends! It was so much fun! The weather was just starting to get chilly. There was some rain, but overall just perfect. It's so fun to go on mini-vacations with friends. Colorado is such a beautiful place!

This is a cute little jacket I made for Max a few months ago, and now that the weather is starting to change he gets to wear it. Its pretty cute on him, though I don't know if I would do it again. This project involved lots of phone calls to mom, I may just stick to quilting for now:)

September was great, and hopefully we can dodge snowfall for a few more months!


  1. Awe! Max man is such a cutie. Love the pre-church pics...what a good looking family you are. That picture of Max and Jeff is super cute!

  2. Everytime you post pics of Max, he looks even cuter. He's so adorable. I love his full cheeks and his hair is perfectly even. You made one handsome baby!

  3. Love the jacket. You are so talented!

  4. you are awesome! that jacket looks so good! i am impressed!
