Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4 Months

This guys is 4 months old! I can hardly believe it. He's usually a pretty smiley guy but after 25 hours+ of car time it was a little hard to get a grin out of him.
So his 4 month stats are:
Weight: 15lbs 9oz
Height: 25 1/2 inches
He's getting to be a pretty big kid, the car seat gets heavier and heavier. I'm just glad we moved from the 3rd floor! This month he continues to be very chatty-he loves to sit and babble with whoever will listen. He is such a good baby and is pretty much happy unless he needs something, then you better figure it out quick! He still likes to wake-up to see me a few times during the night. . .I'm hoping he'll grow out of this sometime soon:) He has started to show more interest in toys and has started to grab and hold things. He did roll over once while we were at the cabin, but I'm pretty sure it was an accident because he doesn't seem interested in doing it again. We love him so much and every month he gets more and more fun!


  1. What a cute boy! And those legs! Mmm...i just want to squish him!

  2. 25 hours in the car, yikes. Welcome back! Let's hang out!

  3. He is adorable!! So glad we got to hang out!
